Award-Winning Author & Writing Coach

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Sit Write Here coaching packages are built around a unique, mindset-first program to help aspiring authors hone their skills while developing a regular writing practice so that they can finally finish their novel or memoir.

Set against the unexpected splendor of an ostrich ranch in the California desert, April Dávila’s beautifully written debut conjures an absorbing and compelling heroine in a story of courage, family and forgiveness.
“A vivid, uplifting debut...”
—Publishers Weekly
Recent Blog Posts
Highlight Your Adverbs (and More) with Scrivener
Adverbs are the enemy of good writing. But it can be hard to see our own writing objectively. So I’m loving Scrivener’s new Linguistic Focus function.
Basket Weaving in Northern California
Basket weaving was perfected by the native people of Northern California over 5,000 years, making it one of the oldest textile traditions in the world.
Diving Back Into 142 Ostriches
I finished writing 142 Ostriches in 2017. It’s taken 2.5 years to find an agent, then a publisher, then do rounds of edits, then more rounds of edits.
Using the Scrivener Timeline
The Scrivener Timeline feature is so intuitive, it’s hard to believe that it wasn’t one of the first things developed back in version 1.0, but it didn’t become a thing until version 3.0. It was worth the wait.
Redwood Tress
Until one stands at the base of a redwood tree, craning to look up into the canopy at its distant top branches, it’s difficult to appreciate their size.
Book Launch Party
Once I figured out WHY I was having a book launch party, the rest of the details just kind of fell into place.
Creating and Using Scrivener Collections
Scrivener Collections can be super useful for organizing your work in various ways without messing up your draft. Let’s explore…
Abalone in Northern California
The interior of the abalone shell is an iridescent mother of pearl, protecting a store of meat that is a prized delicacy in Northern California.