A story has taken root in your mind and you feel a *little* like a hostage. That story needs to find its way onto the page (and out of your head) ASAP.
You've always enjoyed writing, have maybe even written a few short stories in secret, but never called yourself a writer and never formally studied how to do it well.
You're struggling with writers block and even when you can find time to write (which is rare) you end up staring at a blank page.
What you have written doesn't sound to you like a "real" book. The dialogue is stilted, the descriptions aren't engaging and the plot is convoluted.
I see you. You are not alone.

Writers come to me when they're struggling with:

Take a moment and imagine what it will be like to finally publish your story. Picture yourself unboxing that first shipment of bound books with your name on the spine. It's a thing of beauty. And then you get to go out into the world and talk with readers about your story. I can tell you from experience, the four most satisfying words in the english language are "I loved your book."
And the best part? That story is no longer living inside you, nagging to be told, keeping you up at night. And what's more? Now you know how to write a book, the next one comes so much easier. Simply getting across the finish line with that first book means you have stepped over from writer to author.
The trouble is, if you're like most people, it's probably been years since you did any kind of creative writing. It's quite possibly been decades, and even then, you were probably in school, learning how to write a basic, five-paragraph essay. Very few of us were ever encouraged to think about things like conflict, character, setting, and narrative arcs.
And virtually none of us were ever shown how to tap into a state of creative flow, to cultivate deep creative focus where ideas float up out of nowhere and time seems to warp.
I can teach you all of this, in far less time than you might think.
You don't have to quit your day job. You don't have to go back to school. Truly.

You have a support team, a small group of experienced writers who has been down this road before, who know how to avoid the hidden pitfalls and rabbit holes.
Together you start by taking an honest assessment of where you're at with your project. You make a concrete, realistic plan for how to finish your draft and with that timeline in hand you move forward with confidence.
You have a sounding board to bounce ideas off of and a partner to call you back if you veer off track.
You make steady progress, sending pages to your coach for feedback along the way.
It doesn't happen overnight, but slowly, word by word, chapter by chapter, you complete a draft that you're proud of, one that you're ready to put out into the world.
I would not have finished my book without April and her incredible community. The accountability, the solidarity, the support, the mindfulness. It really changed my experience of the writing life and I'm so grateful.
-Emma Pattee, Author of "Tilt"
How we work together depends on where you're at with your project. If you:
One of the things that makes writing a novel so difficult is that there is no one way to do it. You can read all the books and listen to all the podcasts, but for every piece of advice you glean you will have to determine if it's right for your project and your style as a writer.
Then you'll have to actually implement what you learn, squeezing your writing time into the cracks of your life and hoping that, when you do find time to write, you don't get thwarted by writer's block.
Finally, when it's all done, you'll need to get some distance and perspective on your work so you can see it clearly and know how to edit it effectively.


Whether you're developing compelling characters, getting sensory details into your writing or structuring a scene, we got you covered. Visit my Classes, Workshops & Retreats page and be sure to check out my free webinar on How to Banish Writer's Block Forever.
The Sit Write Here online community of writers combines weekly Mastermind Q&As with regularly scheduled writing sessions. It's a powerful way to keep yourself accountable, get advice when you need it, and make serious progress toward finishing your manuscript.
Through one-on-one manuscript reviews and our unique Path to Publication program, the Sit Write Here team provides writers with the instruction, community, and mindset work they need to succeed.

I've been in your shoes...
When I first started out I was working full time and had two little kids. I got up every morning at 5am to write before starting my day and it was exhausting. I wasted a lot of time on things that I didn't need to do, classes that didn't really help, and books that never got to the point, but you know what? Over the course of a decade, I gradually figured out a lot of things.
I finished the book. I found an agent. I wrote a second (far more complex) novel in a fraction of the time it took me to write the first. A short story I wrote was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. My first novel won the WILLA Award for Women Writing the West.
Everything is different now. I've trained myself to engage, at will, in a deep state of focus that helps me to be super creative and productive. Writing is still challenging, but in a fun way. I absolutely love what I do and I've made it my mission to help other writers land in the same place - in far less time. Give me six months and I will make you a writer.
"In the initial 6 weeks I spent working with April I went from 5,800 words to 70,000,
which was my goal for this draft."
- Anne (Fiction)
You've started a novel and stalled out for some reason. Maybe you can't seem to find time to write. Or maybe you find time to write, but when you sit at your desk no words come.
You're committed to doing the work to finish your manuscript, including setting aside regular time to write (it's okay if this doesn't seem possible right now, you just need to be willing).
You can keep an open mind and welcome honest (gentle) feedback even if it's difficult to hear.

You're doing just fine, have no questions or concerns, and are feeling pretty good about the work you're producing.
You're looking for a finish-your-novel-in-thirty-days style "program." Art takes time.
You're looking for someone to write your novel for you.
You're writing short stories, essays, a memoir, other non-fiction, or really anything that isn't a novel.

Absolutely. And might I add, you are a very thoughtful friend/partner/lover. I'm happy to work with you to deliver a special welcome email at a certain day and time so you can surprise them with your wonderful gift. Contact me so we can figure out the details.
Before we commit to working together we will meet via Zoom and talk about where you're at with your project. Trust your gut. If it doesn't feel like a good fit, say so. You won't get an aggressive sales pitch from me. I only want to work with writers I jive with.
Yes. My mission as a writing coach is to help writers shorten the time between now and their finished novel. It will be work, but if you're willing to put in the effort I can guide you and help you finish your manuscript in way less time than if you go it alone.
How we work together depends on where you're at with your project. If you: