I started blogging in 2010. The whole thing started off as more of a journal, but as I learned a few things about writing, my content got more instructive.

In 2017 the blog was chosen as one of the Writer’s Digest Best 101 Websites for Writers, and I made the top 20 list on their website. That was a serious honor, as I’ve been a big fan of their magazine since I first got the inkling that I might want to write. Winning that award opened the door for me to speak at the Writer’s Digest Novel Writing Conference in 2018 and 2022.
As of 2024, I’m no longer actively updating the blog. Instead, most of my juicy writing tips go out in my newsletter, get shared with my Mindful Writing Community, or end up as posts on Instagram. I hope you’ll reach out and connect in whatever way feels right to you.