Welcome to Writing Tip Tuesday, the Abbreviations edition. This is the first in a series of posts pulled from my free guide “On Not Writing Badly.”
How to Use the Document Word Counter in Scrivener
In Scrivener, there are two ways to keep track of how many words you’ve written on a project: the session word counter and the document word counter.
The Santa Rosa Plum
The Santa Rosa Plum is renowned for its delicate, tart, ruby red skin and its firm, yet juicy flesh that swims with sweetness.
Garlic in California
In 1952, twenty-two year old Don Christopher devoted a 10-acre plot of land to garlic, introducing commercial production of the pant to California.
Because California is Awesome
This Friday, I’m kicking off a series of blog posts about all the odd and wonderful bits of California trivia that I have found over the years.
Keeping Your Writing Skills Strong While You’re on Vacation
To keep my author brain in shape, I devised a little writing exercise I can do while on vacation, without having to engage in a story.
Using Split Screen in Scrivener
Using the Scrivener split screen function is one of my favorite little tricks. It’s so super easy, but a lot of writers don’t know it’s there. Let’s review. Say you’re […]