Award-Winning Author & Writing Coach

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Sit Write Here coaching packages are built around a unique, mindset-first program to help aspiring authors hone their skills while developing a regular writing practice so that they can finally finish their novel or memoir.

Set against the unexpected splendor of an ostrich ranch in the California desert, April Dávila’s beautifully written debut conjures an absorbing and compelling heroine in a story of courage, family and forgiveness.
“A vivid, uplifting debut...”
—Publishers Weekly
Recent Blog Posts
The Evolution of a Novel
I found the story idea journal I kept way back when I was starting out with the novel that would, over years of evolution, become “142 Ostriches.”
Scrivener Footnotes
There are 3 ways to insert Scrivener footnotes in your writing. To do any of them, you start by placing your cursor where you want the footnote to appear.
The Artichoke – An Intimidating, Edible Flower
Native to the Mediterranean region of Europe, the artichoke was introduced to California by Spaniards in the nineteenth century.
4 Ideas For A Pandemic Book Launch
Turns out I’m not alone in trying to navigate a book launch during a pandemic. Here are 4 ideas for promoting your book when it seems impossible.
Scrivener Dictionary & Thesaurus
To access the Scrivener Dictionary & Thesaurus, just control-click, go to Writing Tools -> Look Up in Dictionary and Thesaurus.
The California Poppy
Long before the region became know for the gold rush of the 1850’s, the California Poppy, as it is now known, painted the countryside in metallic hues.
Free Copies of 142 OSTRICHES
Exciting news, everyone. Until I can get back out into the world to continue my book tour, I’ve decided to run a promotion of 142 OSTRICHES wherein anyone who buys […]
Scrivener Dictation
How to get up and running with Scrivener Dictation and how it can be super useful both in writing and researching your projects. #52WeeksOfScrivener
Obsidian Arrowheads
To this day it’s not uncommon to find obsidian arrowheads while hiking in the undisturbed parks of the northwest region of the US.
10 Ways to Support Your Writing Career, Even When You’re Not Writing
There’s a lot of work that goes on around writing that doesn’t require nearly as much concentration as actually writing. Here’s my list.