A tourist trade has risen up around Northern California chocolate from Monterey to Sonoma.
10 Years Blogging
This month marks my tenth year writing posts for this blog. Dang. 10 years blogging and not a single hiatus. I never thought I’d keep it up so long.
Writing Tip Tuesday: Passive Voice
Welcome to Writing Tip Tuesday, the Passive Voice edition. This is the eleventh in a series of posts pulled from my free guide “On Not Writing Badly.”
How to Use the Scrivener Word Frequency Function
I recently discovered the Scrivener word frequency analyzer. Oh, joy of nerdy joys. Here’s a quick look at how I’m using it to improve my writing.
Abandoned Bunkers
North of the Golden Gate, in the hills and wetlands stretching up along the coast, is a spattering of abandoned bunkers and secret tunnels dating back to 1893.
Avoiding Reviews: A Pledge
I am hereby making a pledge to henceforth avoid reading any and all reviews. They’re not for me anyway. My job is to keep writing.
Writing Tip Tuesday: Ellipses
Welcome to Writing Tip Tuesday, the Ellipses edition. This is the tenth in a series of posts pulled from my free guide “On Not Writing Badly.”