How to get up and running with Scrivener Dictation and how it can be super useful both in writing and researching your projects. #52WeeksOfScrivener
Obsidian Arrowheads
To this day it’s not uncommon to find obsidian arrowheads while hiking in the undisturbed parks of the northwest region of the US.
10 Ways to Support Your Writing Career, Even When You’re Not Writing
There’s a lot of work that goes on around writing that doesn’t require nearly as much concentration as actually writing. Here’s my list.
Scrivener Text-To-Speech
Text-to-speech: click your cursor to the point in your story where you want the computer to start reading, then go to Edit -> Speech -> Start Speaking.
Hangtown Fry
At a whopping $6 a pop in 1849 (about $200 today), the Hangtown Fry quickly became a symbol of wealth among the gold miners.
Making Time To Write While The Kids Are Home
Last Monday we sat down as a family and made a weekday schedule we could agree on. The number one thing I needed was time to write.
Backing Up In Scrivener
Scrivener is, by default, backing up your work every time you stop typing and storing those backups in a location you’re probably not even aware of.