When I sent out ten query letters to literary agents I would never have dreamed that I would find representation so quickly.
Ask Why 5 Times
To get started with backstory, make like a toddler and just ask why. Then ask again. And again. And again.
Research for Fiction: Where to Start and How Much To Do
Research for fiction is kind of like going back to school for a mini-masters degree, but without the tuition. It’s a lot of work, but so satisfying.
My 2018 Resolution: Find an Agent
I’m all about setting goals for the year. My 2018 resolution is to find an agent to represent my manuscript. I’ve broken it down into 6 steps.
The Best Books I Read in 2017
I read fifty-six books this year, forty-eight of them all the way through (if you follow along, you know I don’t have any qualms about not finishing books). That’s one […]
Using a Bullet Journal to Organize My Life and Writing
Out of curiosity one night, I decided to do a little research into what this bullet journal thing is really about. Turns out, I love it.
Light The Dark ~ Writers on Creativity
Y’all know I don’t write book reviews. I find them eternally stressful. BUT every now and then I read something that is so compelling that I just have to share it. Such is the situation I find myself in with “Light The Dark.”