The cover art for “142 Ostriches” has been finalized and I LOVE it.
Keeping Your Writing Skills Strong While You’re on Vacation
To keep my author brain in shape, I devised a little writing exercise I can do while on vacation, without having to engage in a story.
Finding the Better Word
Given the choice, an author should always go with the better word.
Reasons I Stopped Reading Your Book
In the name of writing better stories, stories that are not easily abandoned, I thought I might take some time and explore the reasons why people don’t finish the books they’re reading.
Saving Some For Yourself
Austin Kleon rocks, you should totally buy his books AND find a way to keep a little bit of your art for yourself. It’s worth it.
Debut Authors and Blurbs
As a debut author, asking for blurbs isn’t difficult so much as it is just painful. Here’s how I went about it in 4 (mostly easy) steps.
Buzz Books & 142 Ostriches
Publisher’s Marketplace launched it’s winter 2019-2020 edition of their Buzz Books publication and I am so excited to share that my book, 142 Ostriches, was selected to be included.