A few thoughts on planning a book tour as a debut author: how I planned my stops, where I’ll be, and who I’ll be talking with on stage.
A Writing Residency at Dorland Mountain Arts Colony
A week at Dorland Arts Colony was a great way to get my writing back on track after the holidays.
Goals For A New Decade
The greatest tragedy of this life is that I’ll never do a fraction of the things this amazing world has to offer.
The Best Books I Read in 2019
Here they are, in no particular order and with no regard to publication date. The best books I read in 2019…
Tracking Writing Goals in Your Bullet Journal
Writing can be hard to get back into if you stop for any significant period of time, but Scrivener (and the BuJo) can help.
A Little Ostrich Humor
I’m sharing with you a little piece of pop culture that you probably don’t need to be aware of, but seeing that it’s all about ostriches (allegedly), I feel compelled to bring it to your attention.
NaNoWriMo 2019
This is the third time I’ve done the NaNoWriMo challenge. This year, I’m working on novel number three and I ended up doing a few things differently.