If this is going to be our new normal, indefinitely, I need to do some settling in – to figure out how it works for me and my writing.
The Evolution of a Novel
I found the story idea journal I kept way back when I was starting out with the novel that would, over years of evolution, become “142 Ostriches.”
4 Ideas For A Pandemic Book Launch
Turns out I’m not alone in trying to navigate a book launch during a pandemic. Here are 4 ideas for promoting your book when it seems impossible.
Free Copies of 142 OSTRICHES
Exciting news, everyone. Until I can get back out into the world to continue my book tour, I’ve decided to run a promotion of 142 OSTRICHES wherein anyone who buys […]
10 Ways to Support Your Writing Career, Even When You’re Not Writing
There’s a lot of work that goes on around writing that doesn’t require nearly as much concentration as actually writing. Here’s my list.
Making Time To Write While The Kids Are Home
Last Monday we sat down as a family and made a weekday schedule we could agree on. The number one thing I needed was time to write.
Wasted Time On The Road To Publication
A few weeks back, just before pub day for “142 Ostriches,” I wrote a post about all of the things I felt I had done well on the long road […]