Now, I know there are about a thousand baby-naming websites out there. In fact, while I'm at it, I have to mention Baby Name Voyager. This is my favorite baby name website because it tells you the popularity of names over time. For instance, Mary was … [Continue reading] about Scrivener Name Generator
Bristlecone Pine
This year, the oldest living thing on Earth, a Bristlecone Pine tree nicknamed Methuselah, had its 4,851st birthday. Though the exact location of the tree is kept secret, Methuselah is part of a population of Pinus longaeva living in the Ancient … [Continue reading] about Bristlecone Pine
A Little Ostrich Humor
As often happens this time of year, I'm swamped. So in place of my usual musings about the craft of writing, I'm sharing with you a little piece of pop culture that you probably don't need to be aware of, but seeing that it's all about ostriches … [Continue reading] about A Little Ostrich Humor
Changing Scrivener Binder Icons
Today I thought we could just have a little fun, so I'm going to walk you through how to change your Scrivener binder icons. Binder Icons If you're thinking "what's this binder thing she's talking about?" you might want to take a moment and … [Continue reading] about Changing Scrivener Binder Icons
Vineyard Wind Machines
Generally speaking, air at high altitudes is cooler than the air at ground level. However, Northern California’s cool ocean currents, its mountains, and its proximity to high atmospheric pressure zones all contribute to the frequent development of … [Continue reading] about Vineyard Wind Machines
Scrivener Drafts
In a previous post, I talked about how to track line edits using the Scrivener Snapshot function. In short, it's an easy way to save a copy of the section you're working on, before you start messing around with it, so that you can revert back to what … [Continue reading] about Scrivener Drafts
Agricultural Islands
Historically, the waters of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers flowed unrestrained down into the Sacramento Delta, ultimately finding their way to the San Francisco Bay. Annual flooding brought fresh layers of sediment to the valley, slowly … [Continue reading] about Agricultural Islands