There are two things I can share with confidence that might help someone struggling with how to find their story structure.
The Dreaded Cliché (And How To Avoid It)
How do we know if we’ve written something special or if we are, instead, invoking the dreaded cliché to create tired, boring prose?
When Creative Panic Sets In
For all the stories I know I have inside me, I can’t seem to finish even this first novel to a level that I’m satisfied with. The creative panic sets in.
The Power to Encourage Other Writers
Ever since the Pasadena Festival of Women Authors a couple of weeks ago, I’ve been thinking about the power that writers have to encourage other writers.
My Blog is Listed on the Writer’s Digest List of 101 Best Websites for Writers!
I am so excited to announce that has been chosen by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers.
Pasadena Festival of Women Authors 2017
I’m so excited for the 2017 Pasadena Festival of Women Authors this Saturday. I’m like a little kid waiting for Christmas.
The Importance of Having A Writer’s Office
In our new home, I have my own space to call my writer’s office. I’ve decorated it and made it comfortable. Here’s why you should too.