This morning I submitted the final edits of my manuscript to my editor. I’ve been working on it since November first (with a few weeks off there in December while […]
Waves of Self Doubt (and a knock knock joke)
I have three weeks until the latest draft of novel is due to my editor and I’m surfing some serious waves of self doubt.
My In-Person Creative Writing Class
Over the past nine years I have used this platform to share what I’ve learned about the craft of writing as I worked toward finishing my manuscript, finding an agent […]
Rules of the World
I went to a reading in November at Skylight Books to hear Wayétu Moore discuss her recent debut novel She Would Be King. Without giving too much away, it’s a […]
The Best Books I Read In 2018
I read about 65 books this year. Of those, nine works of fiction stand out in my mind as being particularly great reads. These are the books that stayed with […]
Writing Every Day (5 Things I’ve Learned)
If you’ve been a writer for any length of time you’ve probably heard people argue about writing every day. Stephen King is a pretty famous proponent of the practice, insisting […]
A Thanksgiving Poem
I will admit, it was the title of this poem that initially caught my eye, but it’s just beautiful. I hope you like it. Happy Thanksgiving. April returns like an […]