Back in November I blogged about setting goals for myself professionally. There’s so little we can control as writers. All we can do is write the best damn stories we […]
Balancing Parts of a Writing Career
Even with a traditional publishing deal in place I am finding myself overwhelmed with all the things that need to be done before my book goes out into the world.
Visiting Kensington Publishing in NYC
I’m so grateful to have a team of professionals to work with. This is the number one benefit of traditional publishing and it makes the long timeline totally worth it.
Living The Dream
I have this deep sense of living the dream. I am a writer in New York, meeting with people who care about my work. I mean, how fabulous is that?
Celebrate Milestones
A few years ago I quit drinking. It’s changed my life, honestly. I sleep better, I’m more patient with my kids, and my writing improved on two fronts. The first […]
Final Edits (Round Two)
This morning I submitted the final edits of my manuscript to my editor. I’ve been working on it since November first (with a few weeks off there in December while […]
Waves of Self Doubt (and a knock knock joke)
I have three weeks until the latest draft of novel is due to my editor and I’m surfing some serious waves of self doubt.