The ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) is an early version of the book that gets sent out, way ahead of the publication date, to reviewers, news outlets, bloggers, etc.
Writing Tip Tuesday: Dashes & Hyphens
Welcome to Writing Tip Tuesday, the Dashes & Hyphens edition. This is the sixth in a series of posts pulled from my free guide “On Not Writing Badly.”
The Scrivener Inspector: Meta-Data
Today we’re exploring how to make use of custom meta-data in Scrivener.
Bedrock Mortars
Bedrock mortars are shallow pits, roughly 10cm in diameter, that were worn into flat rocks where native people crushed acorns into flour for cooking.
The Writing Time Calculation
The Writing Time Calculation goes something like this: [(My day) – (non-writing stuff) – (my novel)] / (other writing projects) = Time for other projects
Writing Tip Tuesday: Parentheses & Brackets
Welcome to Writing Tip Tuesday, the Parentheses & Brackets edition. This is the fifth in a series of posts pulled from my free guide “On Not Writing Badly.”
The Scrivener Inspector: Bookmarks
To keep just the research I need at hand for this particular chapter, I can add it to my bookmarks.