Welcome to Writing Tip Tuesday, the Colons & Semicolons edition. This is the eighth in a series of posts pulled from my free guide “On Not Writing Badly.”
Comments & Footnotes in Scrivener
We’re continuing the #52WeeksOfScrivener series today by working our way through the Inspector window. Last week we talked about using Snapshots. Today: Comments & Footnotes.
Lava Beds of California
In the far northeast corner of California the terrain takes on an otherworldly appearance. Tall cinder cones and deep craters mark the land’s lava beds.
Make It Easy On Yourself
I’ve applied this organizing principal to my writing and it works just as well at my desk as it does in my closet.
Writing Tip Tuesday: Quotation Marks
Welcome to Writing Tip Tuesday, the Quotation Marks edition. This is the seventh in a series of posts pulled from my free guide “On Not Writing Badly.”
Scrivener Snapshots
As writers, we are forced to make decisions every day. Which characters will live, which will fall in love, which will be successful in their adventures… We make choices, we […]
California Cuisine
Focusing on high quality, local and seasonal ingredients, California Cuisine is characterized by a light touch.