In the year 2018, the oldest living thing on Earth, a Bristlecone Pine tree nicknamed Methuselah, had its 4,850th birthday.
A Little Ostrich Humor
I’m sharing with you a little piece of pop culture that you probably don’t need to be aware of, but seeing that it’s all about ostriches (allegedly), I feel compelled to bring it to your attention.
Changing Scrivener Binder Icons
You can change your Scrivener Binder Icons with a few clicks. It’s a fun way to waste some time.
Vineyard Wind Machines
Originally built from old plane propellers, wind machines bring warmer air down to ground level and decrease the chance of crop loss.
Scrivener Drafts
I devised a super simple way to keep my first draft, in the same file as the second, so that I can always come back to it. It’s really pretty simple.
Agricultural Islands
California’s agricultural islands continue to be some of the state’s most fertile lands, contributing billions of dollars to the state’s economy.
NaNoWriMo 2019
This is the third time I’ve done the NaNoWriMo challenge. This year, I’m working on novel number three and I ended up doing a few things differently.