This morning I finished the final draft of my second novel. It’s done. I think. Or mostly done. So why don’t I feel like celebrating?
Books by Alexa
I have to give Alexa credit for her taste/algorithmic accuracy. I actually really liked everything she recommended.
Happiness In Not Found In Pleasure
The books I don’t post on GoodReads are the ones whose titles tell the world too much about my personal life.
Story Holes Vs. Hunger
The main difference between story holes and story hunger is whether or not your reader can understand the story.
Books You Don’t Post on GoodReads
The books I don’t post on GoodReads are the ones whose titles tell the world too much about my personal life.
Lower the Bar
People sometimes ask how I manage to keep working when life gets in the way and they laugh when I tell them, truly: lower the bar.
A Brief For The Defense
I return to this poem by Jack Gilbert over and over. Today seems like a good day to share it.