A few weeks ago my husband had to have semi-emergency surgery. I say “semi” because we kind of knew it was coming, but then the doc said: we need to do it now. So it happened. And since my husband is a much more private person than I am (he’s not even on social media – can you IMAGINE?!?), I’m not going to say much more about him and his body except that he’s healing well and life is starting to get back to normal.
What I will dwell on is all the TV we watched while he was laid up. We don’t usually watch a ton of TV. We go to the movies a lot, and sometimes we’ll make our way through a TV series over the course of a few months, but this was next level. Here’s what we watched (and a few thoughts on each):
The Bear. A behind the scenes look at a small restaurant in Chicago. Having done my fair share of working in kitchens, I LOVED this. It really captures the rhythm, the personalities, and the challenges of making food on a large scale. Also: Jeremy Allen White.
Uncoupled. This is basically Sex in the City from the gay man’s perspective. Neil Patrick Harris is charming as ever. I’ll watch pretty much anything he’s in. We blew through season 1 in a day.
Keep Sweet, Pray and Obey. We watched the end of this one immediately post-op. A fascinating look into the FLDS. Not uplifting.
Better Call Saul – Season 6. We’d been working our way through this series for a while and had held off starting the final season until we could binge it all at once, so that worked out. I thought it dragged in the middle, like they were trying to make it last longer than it needed to, but it does land in a satisfying place.
Inventing Anna. This one dragged on and on, but for some reason we kept watching. Maybe it was the journalist protagonist (who I identified with more than I’m willing to talk about), or Julia Garner’s performance (love her). Whatever it was, we watched it to the bitter end.
The Rehearsal. I only watched some of this (dropping in while my husband watched), because it didn’t grab me in the same way it grabbed him. It’s super weird, and circular, and kinda made me feel like we should be smoking pot, but also intriguing in a this-dude-overthinks-everything kind of way.
So there you have ’em, my sort-of recommendations on what to watch if you (or your spouse) have emergency surgery and are laid up for a few weeks.
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