On January 1st I finished reading the Liveship Traders trilogy by Robin Hobb. I’ve already read the Farseer trilogy which (given that each book is about 800 pages) means I’ve read about 4,800 pages of Hobb’s work and now I’m eyeing the third set, the Tawny Man trilogy.
I can’t even figure out why I love them so much. They’re not perfect (I skimmed about 100 pages of the third book in the first trilogy), and there’s almost no sex (which is usually a deal killer for me – I like a steamy story), but they just suck me in and won’t let me go.
It’s some combination of great characters, life-and-death stakes, and just enough magic to make the world interesting. Also, I love knowing that I can invest in caring about the characters, because I’m going to be with them for a long time.
Makes me wonder if I’ve got a fantasy trilogy in me. If I love reading them so much, maybe I’d enjoy writing one. For now I’ll just file that under #TBD.
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