Award-Winning Author & Writing Coach

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This online community of writers combines weekly group coaching with regularly scheduled writing sessions. Keep yourself accountable, get advice when you need it, and do what it takes to finally finish your manuscript.
Scribbling Buddha
A weekly newsletter.

April's essential guide to interesting things, generally (but not always) related to books, writing and mindfulness practice. The Scribbling Buddha newsletter goes out every Friday with a list of 8 Great Things you need to know.
Private Coaching
Take your writing to the next level.

Sit Write Here coaching packages are built around a unique, mindset-first program to help aspiring authors hone their skills while developing a regular writing practice so that they can finally finish their novel or memoir.

Set against the unexpected splendor of an ostrich ranch in the California desert, April Dávila’s beautifully written debut conjures an absorbing and compelling heroine in a story of courage, family and forgiveness.
“A vivid, uplifting debut...”
—Publishers Weekly
Recent Blog Posts
The Value of Unread Books
If you were to take down all of my books and make a pile of read and unread, they would be about even. That’s intentional.
Daily Word Count in Scrivener
I love Scrivener’s Word Count tracker. With just a few clicks you set writing goals that work with your writing schedule.
When to Hire Help
It is absolutely worthwhile to hire help when you need it. Here are a few situations where hiring a writing coach could be beneficial.
Writer Burnout
Burnout is real, and it can happen at any time with any project. The good news is that your story isn’t doomed.
The Power an Author Platform: Your Bridge to Literary Success
An author platform is like a bridge that connects you, the writer, to your audience and the literary world at large.
Writer’s Toolbox: Grammar
Grammar forms the foundation of effective writing, enabling clear communication and conveying intended meanings accurately.
Someone Needs to Hear Your Story
Trust in your voice, stay committed to your craft, and believe that your story has the potential to impact someone’s life in a meaningful way.
When A Story Is Too Fresh
Trying to write a story too fresh in your mind can often make a writer feel like there’s something wrong with them.
Writers Who Run Retreat
I’m writing this week from the shores of Lake Junaluska near Asheville, North Carolina. I’m teaching at the Writers Who Run Retreat and today is our second full day. Each […]
Color Coding Scrivener
Color coding Scrivener is one of my favorite little writerly tricks. It’s just so freaking handy. Here’s how it works. In the binder of your project simply right-click on any item […]