None of your sentences are precious. Some of them might be good. Some might even be very good, but save yourself a world of heartache and get over the idea that they are precious.
Be Prepared to Throw Pages Away
A Joshua Tree Birthday for Me
My sister threw me an awesome birthday party in Joshua Tree this last weekend, and gave me forty-one books to take home with me.
A Few Thoughts on Better Book Titles
Last month, at the Pasadena Festival of Women Authors, Vendela Vida made an off-hand comment about her titles. She was talking about her first novel, “And Now You Can Go,” […]
What Success Looks Like
When we’re engaged in such a subjective pursuit as writing, how do we decide what success looks like? When do we decide to let ourselves be happy?
Oh S**t, Oh Cool or How to Keep a Story Interesting
How to keep a story interesting by changing the tone of your scenes and increasing the amplification of the turns as the narrative progresses.
3 Ways to Structure Your Pages Into a Story
If you’ve been writing and writing, and you’re not sure how to turn your pages into a story, here are three strategies you can try.
Finding Story Structure
There are two things I can share with confidence that might help someone struggling with how to find their story structure.