As has become a Thanksgiving tradition on this blog, I’d like to share a poem. It’s called Dear Human Family and was written by Dani Fine.
A Pushcart Prize Nomination
I found out last week that a short story of mine was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. I know my odds of winning are slim, but it’s an honor to be nominated.
A Self-Publishing Success Story
My dad’s story is an excellent example of self-publishing done well. He’s sold thousands of books. Here’s what I’ve learned by watching him.
Your Amazon QID#
To make sure Amazon doesn’t take down your early reviews, use a url without a QID#. Here’s a quick tutorial on how to create an anonymous url for your book.
To NaNo or Not To NaNo…
This year, I thought I would share my take on the pros and cons of the challenge, for anyone considering taking the plunge.
Goodreads Giveaway for 142 Ostriches
My publisher alerted me last week that they’ve set up a Goodreads giveaway for my book, and I’m super excited to see this next step unfold.
10 Years Blogging
This month marks my tenth year writing posts for this blog. Dang. 10 years blogging and not a single hiatus. I never thought I’d keep it up so long.