Thank you all so much for your input. Many good arguments were made, as were many interesting suggestions for that matter, and I’ve made my decision. My main character’s name will be Talulah Jones. Thank you Summer for the suggestion. I think MMC’s … [Continue reading] about The Winner Is
Tal(l)ula(h) Jones
Okay faithful readers, I need your help. A very important question has been plaguing my brain. As you’ve no doubt gathered by now, my main character’s name is Talula. Talula Jones. She is the daughter of a teenage runaway named Sharon Jones. Sharon … [Continue reading] about Tal(l)ula(h) Jones
Learning To Shoot, In the Name of Fiction

I’ve hiked to the top of half dome in Yosemite four times. It is one of my favorite places on earth. I love to dangle my feet over that 5,000 foot drop and just bask in the bubbling sensation that swims around in my stomach. It’s always a little … [Continue reading] about Learning To Shoot, In the Name of Fiction
Where Inspiration Waits
Last week I worked on my outline. By laying out a sequence of cards, and forcing myself to work all the way through to the end, I was able to see where the weakest part of my story was. It was a little disheartening, because the spot I struggled with … [Continue reading] about Where Inspiration Waits
Scene By Scene
To my great disappointment, I wasn’t able to get to the gun shop last week. We had friends and family in town, threw a fabulous New Years Eve party (if I do say so myself), and spent the whole weekend cleaning up. At said fabulous party, a good … [Continue reading] about Scene By Scene
Moving Out Of My Comfort Zone
I have never held a gun. Water pistol? Yes. A very heavy and seemingly life-like prop gun? Check. I even played laser tag once in high school, but the stone cold truth is that I have never dealt with a real weapon. I don’t know how to shoot one, and … [Continue reading] about Moving Out Of My Comfort Zone
Ode To My Husband
Last night I was in the shower and my husband, who knows I’m working on making my protagonist more three dimensional, asked me what the hardest, most life altering moments in my life have been. This might not be average getting-ready-for-bed … [Continue reading] about Ode To My Husband