There are 109 days left in 2017. Yikes, right? Here are 4 writing challenges to help you finish off 2017 strong.
Friends Becoming Enemies, Enemies Becoming Friends…
The story is just more interesting if allegiances shift over the course of the story: friends becoming enemies, enemies becoming friends.
Erin La Rosa and The Big Redhead Book
I asked Erin La Rosa if we could pick her brain a little about her writing, both in general, and in the context of The Big Redhead Book.
Reading #OutsideMyBookBubble
Commit right now to reading ten books by authors who don’t look like you. That’s the only rule. There’s no time frame, no genre requirement.
5 Ways to Make Big Chunks of Time to Write
It can be difficult to find big chunks of time to write. No lie. But sometimes, as writers, it’s essential. Here are 5 ways to make the time.
3 Reasons to Take A Writing Class, Even If You Think You Don’t Need To
I was reminded of these three reasons to take a writing class, even if you think you don’t need one. There’s always something to be learned.
Three Tips for Using the Scrivener Corkboard
These three little tricks transform the Scrivener Corkboard from a neat bit of functionality into a real resource for writers.