Some really good advice for writers struggling to get words on the page and he breaks down his ideas into seven steps, simple things we can all do.
An Atlas, Not An Outline
When I think in these terms, I see my outline as a map of the world I’m creating, an atlas of all the possibilities, and I’m free to just write.
Writing the Query Letter Synopsis
In this week’s post I share the many iterations of my query letter synopsis along with the thought process I went through to arrive at my final version.
Not Just Done, But Done Right
How did I know that none of those drafts was the one that deserved a final polish? How did I know when it was not just done, but done right?
The Waiting Place
The Waiting Place… …for people just waiting. Waiting for a train to go or a bus to come, or a plane to go or the mail to come, or the […]
Write The Ending That Everyone Expects
Our challenge as writers is to make things so hard on our characters that it seems impossible that we can deliver them to the expected ending.
Reflections on a Successful Query
When I sent out ten query letters to literary agents I would never have dreamed that I would find representation so quickly.