California’s Great White Sharks range from Bodega Bay to Big Sur and as far west as the Farallon Islands – an area often referred to as the red triangle.
Falling Back Into Writing
Is there any feeling more delicious than when a writing project is going well? It’s like falling into the pages. I am gone.
Scrivener Layouts
At the top left of your Scrivener window, there’s a button that allows you to choose from seven different screen layouts.
Steam Beer
Steam beer is the result of brewing with a lager yeast and fermenting at higher temperature usually reserved for ales. Send your thanks to San Francisco.
Settling In
If this is going to be our new normal, indefinitely, I need to do some settling in – to figure out how it works for me and my writing.
Outline View in Scrivener
To open the Scrivener Outline View, simply click on the little icon at the top of the screen that has four horizontal blue lines.
The Rainbow Flag
Sometimes called the pride flag or gay pride flag, the rainbow flag has been a symbol of gay rights in San Francisco since 1978.