You can think of my Insight Timer library as April On Demand. Meditation for writers, as needed.
Note To Self
For my birthday last weekend, the kids got me this waterproof notepad for the shower. I love it, but I think the kids love it even more.
A Buddhist Limerick
As writing goes, the Diamond Sutra is about as far from limerick as you can get, but my guy made it work. Because he’s a genius.
Heartening Words
Deep as I am in the editing process, this idea is really resonating.
5 Ways for Writers to Ward Off Depression
The fact that depression is real shouldn’t come as a shock to my fellow writers out there. Here are 5 ways I ward off depression when it comes knocking.
History of the Haiku
Back in the 13th century, the haiku was just the opening phrase of a much longer, oral poem called a renga.
Yesterday Me
When my alarm went off the next morning, I’d curse yesterday me for being such a selfish bitch. Yesterday me used to make things so difficult.