I have three weeks until the latest draft of novel is due to my editor and I’m surfing some serious waves of self doubt. I look at what’s on the page and I think “how did I ever get a book deal?” Then I turn the page and I think “actually, this isn’t all bad.” Then I turn another page and congratulate myself on being fucking brilliant. Then I start the cycle over again.
It’s brutal. I promise to write a full post about it, with examples and everything. I might even convince my husband to write a post about how this all looks from his perspective. But today it’s all I can do to keep working. Editing is the only thing that keeps me from sinking under the emotional weight of this process, because with each little tweak I know the manuscript is getting better.
So, until next week, here’s a little gem of a joke to share with your writer friends:
Knock knock
Who’s there?
To Who?
(wag finger) Ah, ah, ah… it’s “to WHOM”
oh..the self doubt goobahs. I know them well. just remember …you have a publisher and an agent. these folks expect to make money based on the talent they see in you. They have learned to choose wisely…so you must be good,
Thanks mom! It is very encouraging to keep those things in mind.