Writers are a solitary bunch in the best of times and this pandemic has made it a lot tougher for us to get over our introvert tendencies. No readings to go to, no bars to drink in, no coffee shops in which to set up our laptops and knock out those pages.
As some of you may know, if you follow along, I am nearing completion of a two-year meditation teacher training program. The final step to get my certification has been to teach a couple of classes and I had planned to do it in person, but the pandemic set things on another path.
Well, I recently finished teaching my first online class and, long story short, I’ve found I really like getting together with folks online.
So in July I started an online writing community. We meet Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 9:30am PST for 90 mintues. There’s really not much to it. We log on, meditate for about 15 minutes, then write for an hour. After that, those who need to bounce do, and the rest of us hang out for a bit.
We talk about whatever comes to mind. No agenda. And I’ll tell you, my days have been transformed. Having a writing group again feels really good. My mood is so light after these little social sessions. It’s remarkable.
And the best thing about it is that all we have to do is show up. We don’t submit pages. We don’t read or critique. We just show up, sit quietly for a few minutes to clear our heads, write, and then chat.
I share all this not to brag about this great thing that has come together for me. In point of fact, I’m writing about it to invite you.
If you’re reading my blog, I assume you have some interest in writing. Furthermore, since you’re reading my blog, you should know I already consider you a part of my literary community.
And so you should seriously consider hopping online and writing with us one of these Fridays. I would love to see you there.
April, I am so happy I found your site! I will pop in to your writer’s group soon. I’m just at the beginning stages of my website. Look forward to meeting you and the others in your group.
Thank you,
Hi, Madeline,
I look forward to meeting (and writing with) you!