I woke up at 3am yesterday.
Now, you know I’m a big proponent of getting up early to write, but that’s just ridiculous. I couldn’t sleep. November is always a really busy month, what with the family coming in for Thanksgiving, and my husband’s birthday always falling right around the holiday. Then my boy’s birthday is in early December so I need to put his party together. To add to the fun this year, we have a new puppy, I’m doing NaNoWriMo, and oh, yeah, my husband ruined his knee playing soccer and had to go in for surgery yesterday.
It was the surgery that had me laying awake, but in a close second was the fact that I was struggling to keep up my word count in NaNoWriMo. I’m so freaking close I can taste it. So I got up, took the puppy out to pee, and brewed some coffee.
As of this morning, with one day left to go, I have 48,665 words. I also have a husband who can’t get out of bed, a daughter leaving on a three-day field trip tomorrow (with a long list of things to pack that we haven’t started collecting), and yes, a puppy who still needs to go out every two hours. My house plants need watering and I haven’t been out for a run in two weeks. The house is a mess.
I have every excuse in the world to throw the towel in. I also have only 1,335 words to go, damn it. I will not give up.
So forgive me if I keep this one short. I have some client work that actually really needs to get done before I can go back to my fiction and the sooner I get that done, the sooner I can hit that 50,000 word mark and do a little happy dance for hitting a major goal. Stay tuned.
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