Take a plot hole and, instead of revamping with long backstory, hang a lantern on it, like: yep, that’s there, moving on.
Writing Brain and Editing Brain
The older I get, the more I recognize my writing brain and my editing brain as two distinct parts of myself.
Working With Beta Readers (Bonus Round)
Before you begin working with beta readers, be sure to ask them if they have time to read it and give them a deadline.
Fear of Judgment
Worrying about how people will respond to our writing can be paralyzing. Fear of judgment is a powerful thing.
Cultivate Your Voice as a Writer
Your voice as a writer consists of the specific ways in which you tell stories. You can cultivate it by doing one simple thing every day.
How to Write Faster
You can train yourself to write faster. Just like anything else, it just takes practice. So set your watch and get writing.
Track Your Writing
I highly recommend you track your writing so that you don’t lose sight of how much work you’re actually doing. Here are two methods I love.