Grammar forms the foundation of effective writing, enabling clear communication and conveying intended meanings accurately.
Someone Needs to Hear Your Story
Trust in your voice, stay committed to your craft, and believe that your story has the potential to impact someone’s life in a meaningful way.
When A Story Is Too Fresh
Trying to write a story too fresh in your mind can often make a writer feel like there’s something wrong with them.
The Power of Community: Why Writers Thrive Together
Writers thrive when they are part of a supportive and engaging community that provides support, inspiration, opportunities, and more.
Make Your Characters Want Something
I have finally come to truly understand a piece of critical writing advice: Make your characters want something.
Writing Flashbacks
Today I want to talk through some of the nuts and bolts of writing flashbacks well: be consistent and clear in your use of tense.
Flashback vs Memory
Both flashback and memory involve a character revisiting a past event, but there are some key differences between the two.