For some mysterious reason my kids have started waking up between 5:30 and 6am and it is seriously affecting my writing time
A Basic Grammar Review for Anyone Wanting to Present Ideas Clearly
I was inspired to create a downloadable grammar review for anyone looking to brush up on their writing skills, whether they call themselves writers or not.
Writerly Goals for 2017 (and What They’re Going to Cost Me)
I have 5 writerly goals for myself this year and (according to my best-guess calculations) they’re going to cost me about $2,100.
10 Simple Ways to Write More
10 easy ways you can write more. Chose one, or mix them up. Just 350 words a day, five days a week will get you 91,000 words. That’s a whole novel.
Ten Amazing Books
I read fifty-seven books this year. Many were new publications, but just as many were not. Of those fifty-seven, ten grabbed my attention in that way I’m always hoping a book […]
The Wit
My Christmas gift to you, my dear readers: a poem by Elizabeth Bishop.
Putting the Draft in a Drawer
I literally print out a draft of my manuscript and put it in an actual drawer. It’s a special drawer, and before I close it, I ask my story to wait for me.