Last Mile Stuff: the final steps on any creative project, the work you could ignore if you were happy with “good enough”
A Thanksgiving Poem
This year, the poem I’d like to share with you for the holiday season is “Where’s the Magic,” by Annis Cassells.
5 Things I’ve Learned Doing NaNoWriMo
5 things I’ve learned about trying to write 50,000 words in one month to win the annual NaNoWriMo Challenge.
Social(ly Destructive) Media
What is the ethical course of action when a service we depend on (social media) is so terribly bad for a certain segment of our population?
Make Time For Your Writing
4 things you can do right now to make more time for your writing.
7 Tips for Working with Beta Readers
You’re done with your manuscript! Congrats! Now it’s time to line up your beta readers. Here are a few thoughts on how to manage the process.
Parenting Through The Pandemic: The Guide Every Parent Needs Right Now
Author Interview: Jacquelyn Lazo is the writer of the Comeback Kids, a book about parenting through the pandemic.