Last week I finished a draft of my second novel (insert victory dance here). I'm feeling pretty good about it, but if you follow along, you know that the next step in my process is to do nothing. Yep. I print it out and stick it in a drawer for about … [Continue reading] about Starting With Characters
Create an Audio Recording of Your Manuscript for Better Editing
I recently finished a draft of my second novel. I printed it out, and now it's sitting on my desk just waiting... for what? I'm feeling a little paralyzed. I know it probably needs more work, but I'm not sure what to do. Thankfully, this blog has … [Continue reading] about Create an Audio Recording of Your Manuscript for Better Editing
Elusive Writing Routines
The topic of routines has come up a lot recently during our post-writing discussions at A Very Important Meeting. We all know that writing routines can help us be more consistent with getting words on the page, but often it seems like, as soon as … [Continue reading] about Elusive Writing Routines
Best Books of 2021
I read 58 books this year. Of those, nine stand out in my mind as being particularly great reads. These are the books that stayed with me, made me think back on them long after I’d finished them. They are the books I’m telling my friends … [Continue reading] about Best Books of 2021
Last Mile Stuff
My husband and I have a phrase we use to describe the work that you didn't anticipate on a creative project, the changes you could probably ignore and still have a story that's "good enough" and you're so tired of working on it that you're sorely … [Continue reading] about Last Mile Stuff
A Thanksgiving Poem
Every year around Thanksgiving, I share a poem here on my blog, something that speaks to me at the start of the holiday season. This year, the poem I've chosen is "Where's the Magic," by Annis Cassells. I met Annis at A Very Important Meeting. … [Continue reading] about A Thanksgiving Poem
5 Things I’ve Learned Doing NaNoWriMo
It's almost that time of year again, when people all over the world attempt to write 50,000 words in one month for the annual National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) Challenge. Are you doing it? Are you ready? I've done the challenge three times … [Continue reading] about 5 Things I’ve Learned Doing NaNoWriMo