Both my kids seem to have some sort of stomach thing going on. I’ve been thrown up on so many times that I might stop showering afterwards and just wait […]
Good Communication
As a writer, my job is to communicate. Specifically, I’m paid to use words to express ideas precisely, so that a client’s target audience understands what it is that the […]
Getting Back Into Fiction
It’s a little painful. I described it to Daniel last night like this: it’s as if I was training for a marathon (writing the novel). Then I switched to sprints […]
All Weeks Should Be Like Last Week
It was a great week. If you follow my Facebook page you were privy to the final count down as I wrote the last pages of my Northern California book. […]
Today is the Day
I just put a bottle of champagne in the fridge for tonight. With any luck I will finish the last four pages of my Northern California book today! I’m so […]
Final Countdown
My apologies to anyone who is getting tired of hearing about the Northern California book, but I’m so close to finishing I can almost taste it. Tastes like cookies. I have twelve […]
Best Books of 2011?
I read a lot. I believe it’s part of a writer’s job, so much so that I consider sitting around reading a legitimate day of work (when I don’t have actual deadlines […]