I carry a small writer’s notebook with me everywhere I go. It’s something I’ve done for nearly a decade, though for a long time I did it simply because I […]
A Qualified NaNoWriMo Success
I’m counting it as a success. I wrote 32,778 words in November. Given the family demands of the Thanksgiving holiday, and the fact that my guy’s birthday was two days […]
An Awesome Night at the Hotel Cafe
If you follow me on Facebook, you probably saw me pushing info on the Tongue and Groove reading that happened last night at the Hotel Cafe. It’s a monthly event […]
Watch Me Turn Red
I know I am not alone in the fact that reading my work in front of crowds makes me nervous. I know this. But knowing it doesn’t make it any […]
Southern California – the Book
Check it out – a book I helped write is coming out soon: The publisher, Elisa Parhad, was a neighbor of mine for many years. When I met her, she […]
Just Because I Don’t Get Paid, Doesn’t Mean It’s Not Work
I was chatting with a friend the other day. He’s all stressed out because he works too much and his baby girl (poor thing) was super sick. I told him […]
Updating My Dreams
As I mentioned a couple weeks back, I have officially made the decision to let go of working as a freelance writer ever again. I love my job, I only […]