If you follow me on Instagram, you probably saw a photo I posted of my marathon bib when it arrived in the mail. Here it is: The race is this […]
Seven Tips for Getting Up Early to Write (Even if You’re a Night Owl)
For many years, while I was working full time, I got up early to write before my kids woke up and things got hectic. As a die-hard night owl, adjusting […]
Let’s Get Our Damn Books to Agents This March
This is a text exchange I had recently with a good friend and fellow writer who is determined to get her debut novel out to agents this March. We both […]
A Modern Literary Salon
Before Saturday, I had never been to a literary salon. I guess I figured they were a thing of the past. When I pictured a literary salon I saw Virginia […]
On Writing Well
A couple of years back, I taught a class on writing well. My students were super smart engineers, who happened to write poorly. The aim wasn’t to turn them into […]
My Updated Submission Spreadsheet
A few months back I shared a submission spreadsheet that I created in Google docs to track when and where I submit my short stories. If you missed that post, […]
The End of Summer
I hate premature declarations. If I walk into a store the day after halloween and see Christmas decorations, I am likely to leave. Likewise, I hear people talk about the […]