When we travel, fiction allows us to immerse ourselves in the local culture, landscapes, and historical context.
Make Your Characters Want Something
I have finally come to truly understand a piece of critical writing advice: Make your characters want something.
Writing Flashbacks
Today I want to talk through some of the nuts and bolts of writing flashbacks well: be consistent and clear in your use of tense.
Flashback vs Memory
Both flashback and memory involve a character revisiting a past event, but there are some key differences between the two.
Flashbacks Part 1: Why Use Them?
Flashbacks can be a powerful tool in fiction writing, but it’s important to understand why to use flashbacks and how to write them.
Dealing With Uncertainty
Writing is a profession that can be incredibly rewarding, but it can also be incredibly uncertain. There are times when it feels like everything is going according to plan, and […]
Check Your Expectations
When we, as writers, set our expectations too high, it can create a sense of pressure and anxiety that can be paralyzing.