I’ve been thinking for a while that I’d like to offer a monthly mini master class. I do a lot of coaching, but there are often questions that come up that I don’t have time or space to discuss in depth.
For instance, A Very Important Meeting (AVIM) is awesome precisely because it’s not a class. We show up, we write, we hang out a little and sometimes we have a few minutes for discussions, but there’s not enough time to dive deep into any one topic.
On the flip side, I basically designed Sit Write Here, my coaching program, to satisfy my own desire to go much deeper than I have time to at AVIM and STILL there are things I don’t have time to cover. Each week of the program has a theme, and there are some topics that just don’t fit into the curriculum I put together.
If I set up a monthly mini master class online I could go into whatever I wanted. Lately folks have been asking about writing their book synopsis. Coincidentally, I’m working on the synopsis for my second novel right now and have LOTS to say on the topic. Or POV, that’s one people always seem to have questions about.
So I guess I’m curious. What’s a topic, writing-related of course, that you’d like to know more about?
Drop your thoughts in the comments or visit me on Instagram to chime in – I’ll post this there too.
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