Guest lecture: Social Media for Writers with Brenda Umana
Wednesday, January 24, 11:00am – 12:00pm
Sit Write Here Community
Write on the Sound: Understanding Narrative Structure
In this session participants will explore the difference between structure and plot, examine seven traditional story structures, and discuss how writers in various genres utilize these structures in unique and creative ways. Strengths and weaknesses of each structure will be discussed and participants will examine which structures are most often employed in specific genres. Read more…
Saturday, October 2, 2021, 4:30-5:45pm PST
Online – Register for the conference here
Writer’s Digest Novel Writing Conference: Demystifying Scrivener
This live and interactive demonstration is aimed at teaching writers everything they need to know to get up and running with the Scrivener writing software in ten minutes flat. The remainder of the session will be dedicated to learning the advanced features of the program that make it such a valuable resource.
One City One Book Award Event
An event honoring 142 Ostriches as the One City One Book Award recipient for 2021.
Sunday, October 24, 2021, 3pm PST
In-person event (Covid allowing) in the City of La Canada, CA
Find Your Creative Flow at Rancho La Puerta
This week-long program series, held at the gorgeous Rancho La Puerta resort, explores the intersection of concentration and creativity through scientific research, mindfulness meditation and artistic practice.
January 15-22, 2022
On-site retreat in Tecate, Mexico