When I was in college, and I was staying up way too late on a school night, I used to have a little exchange that would happen in my head. I would think about tomorrow me and consider whether she was going to be able to handle her day if I stayed up partying. I almost always landed on some version of “ah, she’s tough, she can take it.”
Then, when my alarm went off the next morning, I’d curse yesterday me for being such a selfish bitch. Yesterday me used to make things so hard on today me.
I was remembering this last night as I did the dishes before going to bed. I don’t know when exactly it happened, but yesterday me is so much nicer than she used to be. She is downright considerate.
I think it’s because yesterday me knows (and I use the present tense here because I AM tomorrow’s yesterday me, always) that I have things I actually really want to accomplish today. With school, I always felt like I was going through the motions. I didn’t really want to be there, but if I was there I wanted to do well.
Anyway. Done with that. And mornings are so much nicer.
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