I’m off this morning to the 2017 BlogHer conference in Orlando, Florida. It’s the first time I’ve been to this conference. In fact, it’s the first time I’ve been to any blogging conference. Usually, if I leave town without my family for anything it’s related to writing fiction, so this is kind of a step out of my comfort zone. As a writer, the whole networking thing doesn’t come naturally.
Quiet Time
That said, I have been really looking forward to the long flight that I’m about to board from Burbank to Orlando. If you don’t have kids, this may sound crazy, but the parents out there will understand. Including a layover, my total travel time is 6 hours. So for six amazing hours I will have total peace and quiet to work on my writing. And then, when I get there, I will have a hotel room all to myself.
I have to keep reminding myself that I’m taking this trip for all the things the conference has to offer: panels, keynotes, networking. I will not retreat to my room at every opportunity to hide out and write, but it it will be tempting. That quiet, empty hotel room will be calling my name.
I’ve been working on the first draft of my second novel while the first novel sits in a drawer for a little while. Starting next month, I’ll swap the two and do a final pass on my first novel. It’s close to done, so I’m planning for this last pass to be the fine-tooth-comb work. If all goes as planned, I hope to be sending out queries in the fall.
In the meantime, I’m enjoying working on a first draft again – no pressure, no worrying about the details. I’m just getting the story down and having a good time doing it.
On To BlogHer17
As for the conference, if you’re curious, I will be posting to Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #BlogHer17. Feel free to follow along. If I go suddenly quiet, you can feel free to harass me for retreating to my room and remind me to get out there and network.
And if you’re on your way to Orlando too, drop me a line. I would love to meet up. Cheers.
Speaking of conferences I will attend my first one in Portland next month. I’m practicing my pitch.
Good luck! And good for you!