Every year around Thanksgiving, I share a poem here on my blog, something that speaks to me at the start of the holiday season. This year, the poem I’ve chosen is “Where’s the Magic,” by Annis Cassells.
I met Annis at A Very Important Meeting. She’s a dedicated writer, poet and teacher. She came to poetry later in life (publishing her first collection at age 75), but you’d never know it by reading her work. I love this poem for the way she plays with the line breaks, the way the pace lifts so gracefully, and lands with a heartbreaking truth. You can find Annis on Facebook, Goodreads, or Twitter, and learn more on her website.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Where’s the Magic
The magic happens
When children realize
they can let go while standing
The magic happens
When they realize
you’ve let go and they’re riding
The magic happens
When children realize
they recognize a word in print
they can tie their shoes
they get a joke and laugh
In the eyes of their parents
The magic happens
every single day
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