Before starting the Path to Publication program, I was so stuck on my outline. I kept going ‘round and ‘round in circles with its timeline, getting myself all twisted up. Since I’ve started with April, I’ve developed a structured writing schedule and have targeted a realistic "The End" date for the completion of my first draft. It's only a couple of months away. Exciting stuff!
April has done an amazing job of creating a program that adapts to each participant’s unique needs. Before joining, I struggled to write regularly—hit-or-miss just doesn’t cut it when trying to finish a manuscript. Since I started working with April, I’ve gained encouragement, expert guidance, and steady progress. For the first time in years, I can see that if I keep going, I’m not far from finishing.
I had never experienced a productive collaborative effort such as this, and I loved it! Before working with April on this workshop, I spent most of my writing efforts working in a haphazard manner, producing output, but not working toward an achievable goal. April's program worked for me to take a step toward publishing my work. Without such a commitment, my inspiration and motivation may have waned or my work may have gotten lost in the weeds.
Before working with April, I’d spent 5 months, took two classes on how to write the perfect query letter for my environmental thriller, and sent 52 query letters without a single response. After April helped me refine my query letter, I received a request from an agent to read my full manuscript — just 30 minutes after hitting send! Her guidance made all the difference.
I was susceptible to derailment, both because of work/family demands and my own wavering confidence in the stories I wanted to tell. Since starting, I have written almost 50,000 words and am within striking distance of finishing the first draft of my novel.
The Path to Publication transformed my writing process. Before starting the program, I procrastinated and revised ad nauseam. The program has turned writing into a joy, making it feel like a job I never want to call in sick from. My investment in the Path to Publication has been money well spent.
What's really been good about working with April is the continuity of a daily process. Writing daily keeps the story running in my head, and I find myself working out issues that have come up earlier in my writing practice, even when I'm not actually writing. I jot down ideas and solutions as I go about my regular day, and I 'm loving this writing life. Thank you, April!
I've taken classes, worked with beta readers, been part of several writing groups, and even hired other editors, but I've never gotten feedback that was as useful and supportive as what I received from April.
Michelle S.
Working with April has changed my outlook on getting my novel finished, and has given me renewed energy, enthusiasm and commitment to my writing practice... Before working with April, I had all but given up hope that I could finish my novel, much less get an agent and get my book published. Then, after signing on to a 12 week intensive writing term, with April checking in with me 5 days a week, and available for support, I have managed to make so much greater progress towards completion than I ever did over the past many many years.
April is a thoughtful, considerate, fun, gentle, and genuine ally in this challenging, meaningful quest. No "magic recipes," no demanded "steps for success," just really thoughtful help and guidance.
Writing isn’t a struggle for me. It’s kinda what I always want to be doing, but life gets in the way. A kid comes in or there’s some emergency and then I’m out of the writing zone and I just forget it. With this program I could lock the door and tell the kids “it’s going to be one hour.” I’d get it done for the day and it just became a habit… I’d recommend April’s program for any writer looking to get that first draft on the page. With the discipline and the feedback from the classmates, you can’t help but succeed. If you’re debating whether to take April’s class, you must. She will inspire you on a daily basis to get your but in the chair and do your writing and be creative and unlock all of your potential.
Even though I don't meditate regularly, practicing mindfulness before writing puts my mind in the present. It helps me to decompress and put away guilty thoughts of what I feel I should be doing, like cleaning, or cooking… The thoughtful and thought-provoking feedback I received from my workshop group gave me the confidence to continue writing. It encouraged me and it gave me the positive critiquing I absolutely needed. Most of all it gave me a community, one who inspired me to try to meditate, read and write each day - to make each a habit. Thank you April! I have grown as a writer and am on my journey to finish my story.
I stumbled upon April's course... somehow. I was about ten minutes into retiring from my day job and turning to my writing full-time. However I found her, I got extremely lucky when I did. She's a thoughtful, considered, fun, gentle, and genuine ally in this challenging, meaningful quest. Before working with April I really wasn't sure where to even focus my energies. Her course helped me determine that for myself. No "magic recipes," no demanded "steps for success," just really thoughtful help and guidance.
After a decade of struggling with my manuscript, April's Path to Publication provided the steps, coaching, and daily inspiration I needed. For the first time, I have clear road signs marking my progress. In 2025, my manuscript will be ready for market.
April has been able to refocus my novel by seeing possibilities for the trajectory of the story that I couldn’t see for myself. She also led me into a more compassionate relationship with myself as a writer through her mindfulness approach. This training was much needed after a decade of workshops and an MA in fiction writing. April has developed her own holistic niche for struggling writers.
Before working with April I felt like I had no direction with my current project. I was stuck and unmotivated. With [April's] encouragement I was able to improve my piece, and find confidence as a new writer.
In the initial 6 weeks I went from 5,800 words to 70,000 which was my goal for this draft. I added all those words… This program is a great opportunity to learn a different way of doing things. The craft lessons alone were worth it. April was a great facilitator. She was able to provide constructive feedback that was both gentle and a good nudge where I needed to go… I really liked the self-pacing because I still have a day job to pay the bills and have a lot of responsibilities outside of work. I loved the weekly workshops both for the community and the accountability. This was a really welcoming community that helped me overcome my fear of rejection.
April's comments on my writing have been very helpful and specific... I'm much more focused and eager to keep going on my novel.
Taking a group workshop with April reignited my love of reading, and boosted my own confidence in writing by sharing my writing with others and assuring me that it's okay to write in the slivers when all you have is slivers of time
What I liked most about the 6-week challenge was the format. I liked having an assignment every day. Every day of the week for the whole six weeks, I knew exactly what I needed to do every morning. The meditation helped me learn some of the patterns of my mind that I hadn’t ever had awareness around before. The pacing of the program was perfect. It was really great to have the lesson, then the five days of writing, then the day off. The thing the program really helped me with was establishing a daily writing practice and being consistent with it. Having the discipline of those six weeks really helped me to continue the practice.
I so loved creating with April. I have gained so much from her extensive knowledge and her gift of explaining the in's and out's of writing! Also, her free guide, "Write More Suffer Less" is priceless!
April’s lectures were great, both in advice regarding the craft of writing and in the practice of meditation. I never felt lectured to. I’m not sure how she did that, but it was really easy to absorb the information that she offered. April has quality training in meditation and also in the critique of our writing as her students, I was tremendously impressed. I can give it my hearty recommendation. Clear, focused, interesting, stimulating, challenging. None of these words are exaggerations. This was a very worthwhile course for me as an emerging writer.
The thing that I liked best about the program was the mindfulness aspect of it... April’s program really pushed my writing to the forefront. It gave me permission to actually block out time to do my writing and say “this is important, it’s not just a hobby.” I definitely recommend April’s program. It give you tools overcome obstacles that you weren’t even aware existed, to overcome your inner critic, and open up your schedule. I really enjoyed it.
April was extremely supportive, one of the most encouraging people I’ve ever met. She gave me a lot of things I’d been looking for that other courses just didn’t. They either didn’t give me enough on craft or they didn’t give it in a way that was meaningful to me, that was actually going to get the book DONE. I can’t thank her enough for everything I gained.
I'm feeling a massive guilt at how much editing you had to do in this thing, but you're SO FUCKING GOOD AT THIS that I'm very, very appreciative.
Since starting the Path to Publication program just 7 weeks ago, my writing has progressed even better than I had imagined it might! I've written over 80 pages already!
Linda W.
April did a great job of creating the materials and a curriculum. The way she led us through the program with the different themes for each week slowly took us deeper into our writing. She has a great presence.
Carolyn W.
Award-Winning Author & Writing Coach
April designed the SIT WRITE HERE coaching program to help struggling authors recognize and overcome the challenges involved in writing.
Her debute novel, 142 Ostriches, was descirbed by Publisher's Weekly as a "vivd, uplifting debut" and it went on to win the WILLA Award for Women Writing the West.
Her website, at aprildavila.com was listed by Writer's Digest as one of the Best 101 Websites for Writers. She has taught online and in person at conferences and retreats in both the US and Mexico.
Her second novel is forthcoming.
Learn more about April here.