You've finished your novel! Or maybe it's not quite done yet, but you're starting to think about next steps.
Either way, you've put in a ton of work. Take a moment to celebrate how far you've come. *high five*
Okay, now let's talk about what comes next: the process of querrying agents.
You've come to the right place if you:
- Have decided to pursue traditional publishing
- Recognize that querying agents is a whole new skill set
- Would like to learn what you need to know as efficiently as possible
- Know the value of honest feedback and loving support
Finding an agent takes patience and hard work, but it's worth the effort. Your agent will be your partner in all things publishing. They will champion your work and represent your best interests in the marketplace so that you can stay focused on the thing you love most: doing the actual writing.
The trouble is, most fiction writers aren't known for their marketing skills. In fact, that's one of the main reasons we partner with agents - to help up sell our work. The trouble is, agents get dozens of query emails every day (thousands a year!) and they are only human.
If you want your query letter to stand out, to entice the agent to slow down, move their finger off the delete button and give your manuscript a chance, there are strategies you can employ.
That's where the Pitch Perfect Query Bootcamp comes in.
Welcome to the Pitch Perfect Query Bootcamp—your ultimate guide to capturing the attention of literary agents and landing your dream representation.
What's Included:
1. Find Your Perfect Agent Discover the secrets to identifying the right agents for your genre and style. Our targeted lessons will show you EXACTLY how to research and compile a list of agents who are looking for exactly what you've written.
2. Craft a Killer Query Letter Your query letter is your first impression—make it count! Learn how to write a compelling, professional query letter that stands out in a crowded inbox. We’ll break down the elements of a successful query and provide examples to guide you.
3. Write an Enticing Synopsis The synopsis doesn’t have to be daunting. Our step-by-step guide will help you condense your novel into a gripping summary that highlights your plot’s strongest points. Learn how to maintain intrigue and clarity, enticing agents to read more.
4. Personalized Feedback Get live, one-on-one feedback on your query letter and synopsis from a coach with specific expertise in query writing. With personalized tips and edits, you’ll polish your materials until they shine so you can begin the query process with confidence.
The Pitch Perfect Query Bootcamp is designed to give you the support you need, when you need it.
The online modules can be watched on your own schedule. If you're still putting the finishing touches on your manuscript and want to start building your potential agent list over time, you can. If you're ready now and want to jump right in - we've got you covered. You can watch the lessons in one afternoon and get right to work.
PLUS you get personalized, one-on-one feedback on your submission materials. Once you've worked through the online course material and written the first drafts of your letter and synopsis, you get three hour-long Zoom sessions with your coach to work through revisions, to talk about what agents you plan to query, and ask any final questions you may have so that you can start the query process with confidence.
You've worked too hard on your manuscript to not put your best foot forward now.
You get access to three online asynchronous mini masterclasses. I don't offer this content in any other context. You can only find it here in the Pitch Perfect Query Bootcamp:
- How to Find Agents to Query
- How to Write a Kick-Ass Query Letter
- Writing Your Story Synopsis
PLUS 3 one-hour coaching sessions with your coach to revise your query letter and synopsis and ask questions along the way
PLUS a Google template designed for writers to track query submissions (the same google form April has used when querying agents)
PLUS a detailed handout with a nuanced breakdown of genres and sub-genres so you can determine exactly where your novel fits into the marketplace
PLUS strategies (in the form of guided meditations) to help you persist through what can be a long process
About Your Instructor...
April has successfully navigated the query process three times in her 15-year career.
She found her first agent (for a non-fiction project) before even finishing her master's degree in writing. When she pivoted to writing fiction she queried her dream agent on a Monday and signed with him that Friday. As her career grew and changed she decided to find new representation and has begun the query process anew with her second novel manuscript.
The average percentage of agents who have asked to read her manuscripts after receiving her query letters is 18%.
According to QueryTracker, the general average request rate is 6%.
April attributes her success rate to three things:
- Only querying agents who are an excellent fit
- Writing compelling, personalized query letters
- Representing her project well with a polished story synopsis
These are things you will learn in the Pitch Perfect Query Bootcamp.
In a word, yes. While April has successful queried non-fiction proposals, it's been several years and the market has changed. The content included in the Pitch Perfect Query Bootcamp is intended for, and will be most useful to, fiction writers.
After investing in the Pitch Perfect Query Bootcamp you will have lifetime access to the three mini masterclasses included in the program and 12 months to take advantage of the live one-on-one sessions with your coach. If you have finished your manuscript or are close to finishing your manuscript, it's an excellent idea to start compiling the list of agents you intend to query and get expert feedback on your submission materials.
Sadly, I can't guarantee that you will find an agent. Anyone who tells you they can should be considered highly suspect. What I can tell you is that if you follow the guidance in this program, you will significantly increase your odds of getting an agent to respond to your query letter.