Award-Winning Author & Writing Coach

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This online community of writers combines weekly group coaching with regularly scheduled writing sessions. Keep yourself accountable, get advice when you need it, and do what it takes to finally finish your manuscript.
Scribbling Buddha
A weekly newsletter.

April's essential guide to interesting things, generally (but not always) related to books, writing and mindfulness practice. The Scribbling Buddha newsletter goes out every Friday with a list of 8 Great Things you need to know.
Private Coaching
Take your writing to the next level.

Sit Write Here coaching packages are built around a unique, mindset-first program to help aspiring authors hone their skills while developing a regular writing practice so that they can finally finish their novel or memoir.

Set against the unexpected splendor of an ostrich ranch in the California desert, April Dávila’s beautifully written debut conjures an absorbing and compelling heroine in a story of courage, family and forgiveness.
“A vivid, uplifting debut...”
—Publishers Weekly
Recent Blog Posts
The inner workings of a 5-year-old mind
She talks non stop. And I’m not really exaggerating. Her mouth is like a window to the inner workings of her brain these days. She narrates her own activities…
Sifting Through the Feedback – Part 2
It didn’t take as long as I thought it would to go through the line notes. I had a lull in my freelance work when one of the guys I’m […]
Sifting Through the Feedback
The fourth draft of the novel is off to a slow start. I did finally manage to read through the manuscript myself, which I always like to do after a […]
Why I Blog
The number one thing new clients tell me over and over is “I read your blog.”
I Figured It Out
Okay, I figured it out. It actually wasn’t so hard. It just required me taking a good, honest look at how I’m spending my time. I’m actually quite good at […]
Riding the Freelance Wave
I promised myself I would start the next draft of my novel on August 1. It’s now the 8th, and I haven’t so much as looked at the thing. The […]
April Collier Was Here
Just over 8 years ago I changed my name to Dávila. By the time I notified the DMV, made the trip to city hall to get a new social security card, and figured out how to put the accent mark over that first “á,” I more or less became accustomed to my new name.
Books Like Mine
She gave me some good thoughts on the query process. She recommended researching books that are like mine, finding out who the agent was for them, and making a long list. Then, when I’m ready, I should query the top ten agents on my list all at once. Then, every time a rejection comes back, and rejections will come, I send my query to the next agent on my list.
Page By Page
All whining aside, come August 1, I will pull out that stack of paper and start wading through it. One step at a time, I will tackle that beast.