Award-Winning Author & Writing Coach

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This online community of writers combines weekly group coaching with regularly scheduled writing sessions. Keep yourself accountable, get advice when you need it, and do what it takes to finally finish your manuscript.
Scribbling Buddha
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April's essential guide to interesting things, generally (but not always) related to books, writing and mindfulness practice. The Scribbling Buddha newsletter goes out every Friday with a list of 8 Great Things you need to know.
Private Coaching
Take your writing to the next level.

Sit Write Here coaching packages are built around a unique, mindset-first program to help aspiring authors hone their skills while developing a regular writing practice so that they can finally finish their novel or memoir.

Set against the unexpected splendor of an ostrich ranch in the California desert, April Dávila’s beautifully written debut conjures an absorbing and compelling heroine in a story of courage, family and forgiveness.
“A vivid, uplifting debut...”
—Publishers Weekly
Recent Blog Posts
Wrapping Things Up
This should prove to be an interesting week. My company (for five more days) takes today off, so I don’t have to work, making my last week with the company […]
I Got the Job!
Last week I told you that I was talking with an engineering company about a full-time writer position they are looking to fill. Shortly after I posted that, I had […]
Unexpected Possibilities
An interesting thing happened to me at work a couple weeks ago. I was on my regular conference call with a client, the President of a civil engineering company. We […]
Starting a New Story
At the end of last year, I was feeling frustrated by my novel, again. I promised myself that if I could push through to the end of the year, then […]
The Adventures of a Helicopter Pilot
Due to the timing of a number of factors, not the least of which was that damn broken wrist, I completely forgot to tell you all about my dad’s book! […]
My Broken Wrist
There are not a lot of injuries that can take a writer out of commission. Broken ribs, cracked femurs, severed toes – I’m not saying I want any of these […]
A New Look for My Blog
Lovely readers, it’s been too long. About a year ago, I posted that I was feeling overwhelmed and that something had to go, to make space for my top two […]
Ruthless Me
I had a nightmare the other night that I had shaved my head. It wasn’t the baldness that upset me so much, in fact, in the dream it felt like […]