For Mother’s Day, I took my mom to the Rose Bowl Flea Market. You can find just about anything there. While my daughter ate crepes and my son tried to bargain a guy down on a vintage NES, my mom (being a fellow plant lover) found herself a Hoya Plant and I walked away with this little beauty of a book.

It’s a little beat up, which probably explains why, when I asked the guy how much he wanted for it, he just waved me away and said “take it.” I love the flea market. It was published in 1965 and is all of 61 pages long. I love the block print look of the illustrations.

In truth, I worry about my love of old books. Collecting them could easily become an expensive hobby. I love to hold them and think about all the people who have held them before me. I love the battered spine and the way you can see the stitching between the open pages. Oh, books…
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